Meet Carlos Marques, aka FROG Daddy.
Carlos Marques – Seville 2014
He built the FROGs…(with help from Paulo Carriço and Mário Inácio).
He spent hours labeling all of the cables.
He has tested most of the terrains…
…indoors in Lisbon…
…and in Seville…
… and outdoors.
He has to watch while the researchers put his baby through its paces.
And what do they do when he does leave early?
He’s always there to help:
After care … Carlos on top of the bookcase.
He assembled baby-FROG and is wizard with the game pad during experiments…
… when he’s finished trying out the terrain. Unfortunately we can’t show the experiment films as they include images of passers-by.
He works all hours…
… and has to catch the occasional power nap.
And all too often he has to leave his wife and kids in Lisbon while he attends meetings… Thanks from the FROG consortium to Carlos’ family!
A collaborative project under the FP7-ICT-2011.2.1 Cognitive Systems and Robotics (a), (d) area of activity.