On the 21st of November 2013, the FROG consortium had the review of their work during the second period of the project. The review was held in the Lisbon Zoo and the robot navigated autonomously and showed some simplified presentations at points of interest. Our thanks to the Lisbon Zoo for their hospitality.
Paulo Alvito taking a group photo
Here is a video of the whole demo – watch out for the reviewer testing the robot’s safety measures: Demo for 2nd Year Review
Our reviewers – Professor Owen Holland and Professor Sven Behnke
What do you do when you need to run outdoor tests with a robot platform without a shell as was the case in October 2013 in the Lisbon Zoo? Well, you can either pack it in plastic sheeting fixed with sticky back plastic, or you can be a gentleman and be ready with an umbrella.
On our way to Lisbon for a second round of experiments before the demo in November. We will perform several navigation experiments with the final FROG robot platform these days. Van ready, here we go!